Monday, 17 September 2007

The nights are drawing in...

Summer, such as it was, is at an end, kids are back at school ( ha ha!) and there's an undeniable chill in the air but at least the traditional August lull in work is over. I've been so busy these last couple of weeks I haven't had time for all sorts of essentials, one of which is blogging - sorry! On the plus side, it's always nice to be busy when you're self-employed.

Although for once I don't have much to complain about, this is a stressful time of year for many people. Pupillage interviews are causing some would-be barristers untold misery (I'll wait until a decent interval has passed before blogging about ours, just in case some hapless soul thinks, rightly or wrongly, that they recognise themself and gets even more depressed about the whole affair). Elsewhere, the quest for tenancy is causing sleepless nights for others, including the scheming Baby Barista and the thoroughly deserving Pupilblogger. Fingers crossed for both of them, and best of luck to any readers currently worrying about pupillage or tenancy!


  1. Hi LB,

    Not to REALLY whinge about pupillage ( this would be self defeating, given my recent post about whingeing on the BVC )but I wish I had such worries!!! *sigh*!!

  2. Hello legal beagle! I stumbled on your blog purely by chance and I must admit it delighted me! I am a lawyer living and practicing law in Athens (Greece) and I see that we have similar problems and experiences in Greece as well as in the UK. I must admit that all I know about your legal system comes from the Rumpole books (which always make my day and make me laugh) or from books and it is fascinating! Have a nice day and be sure that you have a new reader of your blog!

  3. Good for people to know.
